Summer is almost here! For the 2016-2017 school year, each student will have a goal of reading at least 30 books throughout the school year. (See below for more information and specific criteria on the challenge) To get a head start on this goal, your summer homework is to read 5 books from different genres and complete a book card for each book. Please click on the links below for a copy of the assignment given out at school.
The 30 Book Challenge: The 30 Book Challenge encourages you to read 30 books from a variety of genres by the end of the school year. Use these guidelines to help you select your books for the challenge:
Shakespeare in the Park: The Chicago Shakespeare Theatre will performing free performances of Twelfth Night at city park around Chicago this summer. Visit here for more information on locations and times.
Hey all! Students have been given a novel to take home. The expectation is that they bring it back every day for class. Some students don't want to bring the book home for fear of leaving it there and not having it for class. Not a problem. I am attaching the PDF of the book here. If you want to read it at home via computer, leave your book in your locker. DON'T LEAVE YOUR BOOK AT HOME!!!! ![]()
For the final quarter project of the year, you will be choosing a fiction or nonfiction book that you have not read and create an exhibit board or website about the book. Please read through this packet for the criteria for each category of books and the requirements for the project. Due Dates: Monday, May 2, 2016 - Book selection sheet (a copy is in this packet) and a copy of the book brought into class. Your teacher and parent/guardian must approve the book and sign the sheet. Monday, May 16, 2016 - Check-in with teacher – You should be finished reading your book by this date. This will give you at least 3 weeks to work on the project. You will turn in your packet completed on this date. Wednesday, June 8, 2016 - Board/website due in class (If you are doing a website, an email with the link must be sent before 8:30am on the due date.) Presentations will begin on the due date. ![]()
This is the website that has all the project guidelines. I have put a packet together for the students that includes the project rubric. Please feel free to email me with any questions. The Research Paper is due March 7 (we will print them out at school), the website/display/documentary is due on March 15. The school fair will be on March 17. Students do not attend, just the judges. If you want to check out your student's research paper, have him/her log you into Google Classroom. You can see the electronic version and give some feedback before Monday. They have been working really diligently and are very proud of their accomplishments. I am so excited about History Fair. But shouldn't this post be in Social Studies?! Nope, You are going to be reading so much nonfiction your eyes are going to spin. You're also going to be writing . . . a lot!! I cannot wait to see what you choose to research. Have fun!
I'm very excited to see what books you are interested in reading. The summer packet is loaded just below. Just click and it will download into a PDF. Please feel free to email me with any questions. ![]()
Hey all. Like we talked about at report card pick-up, most of the 4th quarter project will be done in class. The at-home stuff will be overflow. Students are research an endangered species. They will be writing a persuasive report and creating a persuasive presentation. They have the option of giving a speech,presenting a research poster, designing a website, or filming a public service announcement. I am really looking forward to seeing their projects. Here is a calendar with all the due dates, but I will add the dates to the homework file, too. Migration & Movement in History: People, Places, Ideas
Congratulations to Grace, Benedict, Delia, and Ella for the top papers for the 6th grade. They will be going on to the school wide competition in the paper category. We have moved the rest of the deadlines back to help make up for those pesky snow days. All presentations are due Monday, March 23rd. The school-wide competition will be held in the library on Wednesday, April 1st. This is not like science fair where the students present their work. Neither students nor parents are allowed to be in the judging room.
The final draft is due on Monday, March 9th. Students asked for the weekend, which works well for me, too! You should have the cover page, the paper, the appendix, and then the annotated bibliography. All the pages with the exception of the cover page should be numbered.
For all the rules and guidelines, please follow this link. I've changed my mind about printing them out. Look here!! |